Search results
- :: '''''tail -f /var/log/messages''' : watch the file continuously, while it's being updated'' ...and your box isn't bogged down. ''Type <code>top</code> then press Shift + M to sort by memory usage or Shift + P to sort by CPU usage''10 KB (1,624 words) - 01:14, 18 March 2012
- ...doesn't matter if you have all your movies in one dir or each movie in it's own dir!''''' ...G2/LIVE/PLUS)<br />This is the "old" method of displaying moviesheets. It's a shell script which searches for sheets on your drives and link them in to13 KB (2,105 words) - 09:40, 8 August 2011
- ...g-top:0cm;padding-bottom:0cm;padding-left:0.191cm;padding-right:0.191cm;"| C:\ThumbGen\Templates\MyTemplate ...g-top:0cm;padding-bottom:0cm;padding-left:0.191cm;padding-right:0.191cm;"| C:\Movies\Cars45 KB (5,419 words) - 11:25, 18 November 2010
- ...eiri is incluided in the fimware, and is a good app. For example: In lg tv's,the IR controller has 3 buttons to use others devices, the TV(normal), a DV once we have all typed press '''Control + X''' and '''Y''' (it's to save the file)7 KB (1,153 words) - 20:01, 10 January 2015
- ...device), but with regards to specific folder names and such, obviously it's up to you what names and directories you want to use. Anything I don't ment my version [] along with it's required [ postprocess.conf] - edit as required6 KB (985 words) - 04:30, 23 May 2011
- 2 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-pinto. <code>screen -S session</code>8 KB (1,254 words) - 22:47, 2 June 2011
- I'm going to explain the setup for both versions based on the [http://wiki.wdlx ...TV version!'''''<br>This is the "old" method of displaying moviesheets. It's a shell script which searches for sheets on your drives and link them into21 KB (3,270 words) - 01:58, 26 September 2014
- ...ding of video content. You can install your distribution's version, but it's recommended to install the latest version available ...ons (segmentation faults on certain clips). If you want a newer version (I'm using 0.8-4:0.8-0ubuntu1~jon2), you should search for a ppa for your distro8 KB (1,256 words) - 09:51, 15 December 2011
- It's totally free, incredibly easy to use, and works practically everywhere. ...z opt.bin] (Not [ jaromil's])12 KB (1,930 words) - 19:29, 27 April 2013
- ...rectly off a flash device or fast hard drive. This is not '''root.bin''' I'm talking about, this is all the files directly on your device. The device yo Here's how to do this on WDTV:6 KB (961 words) - 05:53, 31 December 2014
- ...going to cover how to setup the webserver itself (ie apache), there's lot's of information available on that topic on the web. ...simply lists all plugins in the repository as a simple plaintext list. It's used by '''umsp-plugman-web''' to get the plugin list (repolist).12 KB (1,685 words) - 07:19, 6 April 2015