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(Added privacy best practices)
Line 79: Line 79:
  # php5-cgi -l /conf/umsp.php
  # php5-cgi -l /conf/umsp.php
  No syntax errors detected in /conf/umsp.php
  No syntax errors detected in /conf/umsp.php
If you enable the plugins via WEC they will be available to anyone using UMSP. For privacy reasons you might want to leave the plugins disabled in WEC and enable the PIN-Code UMSP plugin. Inside PIN-Code set a numeric code that corresponds to each plugin and navigate by entering the code inside the OSD to get to your plugin. You can quickly escape without revealing the code by pressing the Home button on your remote. More info about PIN-Code here: http://forum.wdlxtv.com/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=3892
The plugins were developed by rezmus and updated by shunte/foxer
The plugins were developed by rezmus and updated by shunte/foxer

Revision as of 00:29, 28 March 2011


The restricted plugins are a set of UMSP plugins that are considered unsuitable for everyone (because of their adult content) and are not available as part of the regular plugin pack. You can follow these instructions to enable these plugins for your WDTV.

Currently, the restricted plugins offer access to these sites:

  • Tube8
  • Pornhub


  • UMSP media server must be on
config_tool -c UMSP='ON'
  • Apache must be on
config_tool -c APACHE='ON'


The configuration steps consist of downloading the restricted plugins and enabling them in the UMSP media server.

  • For a firmware with a version greater than, you can skip the next 3 steps. You can enable automatic download of the plugins in the web interface (WEC)
  • Using a text editor (or file transfer tool/webend) create (or append to) /conf/S99user-script with this content:
#update umsp restricted plugins from SVN
logger -t $0 'Obtaining restricted svn UMSP plugins...'
eval `grep SVNLOGIN= /conf/config`
if [ "$SVNLOGIN" != "" ]; then
  USER=`echo $SVNLOGIN | cut -d: -f1`
  PASS=`echo $SVNLOGIN | cut -d: -f2`
online.delayer 30
logger -t $0 "exporting all restricted umsp plugins from svn"
svn export --trust-server-cert --non-interactive --no-auth-cache --force --username $USER --password $PASS https://svn.wdlxtv.com/svn/UMSP/restricted-plugins/ /tmp/umsp-plugins
  • Make the file executable
# chmod a+x /conf/S99user-script
  • You should now run the script and see if it works. Output should be similar to this (unless you are running other commands inside it):
# /bin/sh /conf/S99user-script 
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/tube8
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/tube8/info.php
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/tube8/tube8-helper.php
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/tube8/config.php
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/tube8/tube8_wec.php
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/tube8/tube8.php
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/pornhub
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/pornhub/pornhub-helper.php
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/pornhub/info.php
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/pornhub/pornhub_wec.php
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/pornhub/pornhub.php
A    /tmp/umsp-plugins/pornhub/config.php
Exported revision 146.

  • Use the webend (WEC) to enable the plug-ins and set plug-in specific configuration attributes
  • OPTIONAL: There is an alternate way that avoids downloading the plugins on startup, so you can skip the first 3 steps. You will need to download the plugins once and add the files to a tgz archive in /conf/umsp-plugins.tgz. You can achive this by running these commands (assuming you have downloaded the relevant php files from the SVN in /tmp/umsp-plugins) from your wdtv:
# cd /tmp/umsp-plugins
# tar zcvf /conf/umsp-plugins.tgz tube8 pornhub
  • OPTIONAL: The plugins can also be enabled by editing /conf/umsp.php:
global $myMediaItems;
$myMediaItems[] = array(   
  'id'         => 'umsp://plugins/pornhub/pornhub',   #Attribute of item
  'dc:title'      => 'Pornhub',
  'upnp:class'   => 'object.container',
  'upnp:album_art'=> 'http://phimviet247.com/getvideo/images/pornhub_logo_h50.png',

$myMediaItems[] = array(   
  'id'         => 'umsp://plugins/tube8/tube8',   #Attribute of item
  'dc:title'      => 'Tube8',
  'upnp:class'   => 'object.container',
  'upnp:album_art'=> 'http://fsb.zedge.net/content/5/2/8/2/1-3446061-5282-t.jpg',


  • If you are not getting the correct output after running /conf/S99user-script make sure the script is correct and the lines don't overflow. Also, check for extra spaces at the end of rows and missing spaces before/after [] (bash is strict regarding whitespace close to square brackets)
  • If you can download the plugins, but they don't show up in UMSP, make sure you have correctly edited /conf/umsp.php (or if the plugins are enabled in the WEC). You can check for syntax errors with
# php5-cgi -l /conf/umsp.php
No syntax errors detected in /conf/umsp.php


If you enable the plugins via WEC they will be available to anyone using UMSP. For privacy reasons you might want to leave the plugins disabled in WEC and enable the PIN-Code UMSP plugin. Inside PIN-Code set a numeric code that corresponds to each plugin and navigate by entering the code inside the OSD to get to your plugin. You can quickly escape without revealing the code by pressing the Home button on your remote. More info about PIN-Code here: http://forum.wdlxtv.com/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=3892


The plugins were developed by rezmus and updated by shunte/foxer