Ext3 version
From WikiDLXTV
This version is used only for temporary testing purposes.
It is almost identical to the normal flashed version.
It gets only mounted at boot, if all of the following applies:
- a previously flashed WDLXTV version is already present on the WDTVLive,
- it is a higher version than the currently flashed minimal or normal WDLXTV version,
- it's files are placed on the WDTV-plugged-in USB thumb drive.
Note that it's net.mounts, S00custom-options and smb.conf (if avaiable) ovveride the ones previously installed.
Never unmount/unplug the USB thumb drive on which it resides, while the WDTVLive is plugged-in (even if in standby), otherwise the system will become unstable.
WDLXTV Ext3 (For WD TV Ext3 Boot)
- Forum Link(s)
SVN Lastest Version
This post describes how to use SVN to get the latest bleeding edge wdlxtv-live