NOTE: Nearly all of these options can now be edited much more easily through the web-based WEC interface.
The S00custom-options is a file that contains settings that you can configure that aren't accessible by the regular Settings option on the WDTV. WARNING: Any syntax errors in this file will cause the OSD to not boot at all.
File placement
This file is executed only when the WDTV starts/boots up, every boot, so operations placed here should not be adversely affected by multiple execution. If you want to apply changes, you have to issue a reboot -f from ssh/telnet or unplug and replug the power cord.
The file is called S00custom-options (no extension). Place it on the root directory of a USB drive attached at boot.
You can also name it S00user-script and place it to the /conf directory on the WDTV. If you choose to create a /conf/S00user-script you must make sure it contains no syntax errors as it will prevent your wdxtv from booting.
How to use S00custom-options
To enable any setting you see in the file, remove the hash mark (#) from the start of the line. this:
#config_tool -c SOMESETTING=somesetting
config_tool -c SOMESETTING=somesetting
config_tool settings 'stick' after being executed once, so you are only required to set them once.
Available settings
Here is a list of currently available config_tool commands for the WDTV Live (running WDLXTV-Live firmware). These settings are available in the version or higher. For settings from a previous version see the comments in the corresponding S00custom file which is included in every release. The settings can also be set by manual execution via telnet/ssh.
Changing the background
Supplying a single image name only works if that image resides in /osd. You may instead use an absolute location to specify any background image you desire, just make sure it exists.
- For the original background:
config_tool -c BACKGROUND_IMAGE=original_bg.jpg
- For eM82's backdrop background:
config_tool -c BACKGROUND_IMAGE=eM82_bg.jpg
- For the wood panel (default) background:
config_tool -c BACKGROUND_IMAGE=villa_bg.jpg
Simplest way to change the background image is adding your image renamed to villa_bg.jpg (maxsize=524288) to root folder of USB drive, and power cycle.
Number of entries in list view
This will change the number of rows in list view.
config_tool -c LISTNUM=4 config_tool -c LISTNUM=6 config_tool -c LISTNUM=8 config_tool -c LISTNUM=10 # (default) config_tool -c LISTNUM=11 config_tool -c LISTNUM=12
Number of thumbnails in video thumb view
This will change the video thumb view to various amounts of thumbs. It changes the resolution of the displayed image.
config_tool -c THUMBRESO=150x200 #12 thumbs config_tool -c THUMBRESO=163x245 #8 thumbs config_tool -c THUMBRESO=180x240 #10 thumbs config_tool -c THUMBRESO=225x300 #4 thumbs config_tool -c THUMBRESO=240x360 #4 thumbs
Number of thumbnails in music/photo thumb view
This will change the music and photo thumb views to various amounts of thumbs.
config_tool -c GENTHUMBS=10 #10 config_tool -c GENTHUMBS=15 #15 (default)
Video info overlay position
This requires reboot after change. Used to be able to see subtitles during pause, timing, etc.
- Upper ~60% of the screen:
config_tool -c VIDEO_INFO_BAR=2
- Top (warning: options bar covers up info overlay with setting 3):
config_tool -c VIDEO_INFO_BAR=3
Subtitle sizes
This will change the subtitle size to one not menu-selectable.
config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=44 config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=48 config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=50 config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=52 config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=56 config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=60 config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=64 config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=68 config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=72 config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=76 config_tool -c SUBTITLE_FONT_SIZE=80
Change your timezone. Use this as a guide.
config_tool -c TIMEZONE=PST8PDT #Pacific North America
Change the hostname (what other devices over the network see your WDTV as).
config_tool -c DEVICE_NAME=SomeHostName
Custom USB slot icons
config_tool -c USBICONS='OFF' # (default: ON)
Disable telnet server
config_tool -c TELNETD=OFF # (default: ON)
Custom telnet server port
config_tool -c TELNETPORT=49532 # (default: 23)
Disable pure-ftpd server
config_tool -c FTPD=OFF # (default: ON)
Disable dropbear ssh server
config_tool -c SSHD=OFF # (default: ON)
Custom dropbear ssh server port
config_tool -c SSHPORT=62356 # (default: 22)
Disable keep alive of ethernet during WDTV Live standby
Delay for net.mounts execution
in case of wireless adapter usage and shares not showing up
config_tool -c NET_MOUNTS_DELAY=30
Automatic IP obtain at boot
NTP requires IPUP=ON
config_tool -c IPUP=OFF # (default: OFF)
Enable NTP (Network Time Protocol)
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks. It is designed particularly to resist the effects of variable latency by using a jitter buffer. For more information visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Time_Protocol
ONLY with wireless: NTP adds ~20s to the initial boot of the device due to the bringing up and acquisition of wireless network address. If NTP fails because of slow address acquire you can increase delay to NTP_DELAY.
config_tool -c NTP=ON
Custom NTP server
config_tool -c NTPSERVER=pool.ntp.org
NTP delay
NTP delay in seconds (in case of slow wireless adapter)
config_tool -c NTP_DELAY=0
Disable mt-daapd digital audio server
mt-daapd is a multi-threaded DAAP server for Linux and other POSIX type systems. Allows a Linux box to share audio files with DAAP-Clients (iTunes, XBMC etc.).
Disabling the mt-daapd server saves approximately 10MB of RAM.
config_tool -c MT-DAAPD=OFF
Disable pandora binary
Pandora is personalized internet radio only for listeners located in the United States. For more information visit http://www.pandora.com/.
Default is ON. Disabling Pandora hides the menu icon, disables the binary and saves approximately 2MB of RAM.
config_tool -c PANDORA=OFF
Disable UMSP
UMSP is an internal UPnP Media Server based on PHP.
UMSP requires APACHE=ON.
config_tool -c UMSP=OFF # (default: ON)
Disable Apache webserver
WARNING: Disabling Apache will make UMSP, youtubeHD, shoutcast, and (of course) the webend stop working!
config_tool -c APACHE=OFF # (default: ON)
Enable rTorrent
rTorrent is a BitTorrent client for ncurses, using the libtorrent library. The client and library focus on speed and efficiency, while delivering equivalent features to those found in GUI based clients in an ncurses client.
ruTorrent is a web frontend for rTorrent.
- SSH server must be enabled to start rTorrent
- apache webserver must be enabled to use web UI (ruTorrent)
- RTORRENT_DIR *MUST* be set for full functionality!
- ruTorrent & rTorrent DEPEND on it
config_tool -c RTORRENT=ON # (default: OFF)
Set rTorrent data location
for incomplete/session/finished/rutorrent
the line below is an EXAMPLE(!) to have your device mounted at /tmp/mnt
create a file on it called: .mnt
config_tool -c RTORRENT_DIR=/tmp/mnt/123ed956-1256-4825-9e79-86fc1e0febaa/
Enable NZBGet usenet client
NZBGet is a command-line based binary newsgrabber for nzb files.
NZBWebget is a web frontend for NZBGet.
NZB is an XML-based file format for retrieving posts from NNTP (Usenet) servers.
For more information see:
- Usenet especially binary content
Usenet provider charge users a monthly fee to provide entree to the Usenet itself, by providing access to files called "binaries" stored on their own servers.
Disabled by default. Apache webserver must be enabled to use web UI.
config_tool -c NZBGET=ON # (default: OFF)
Disable online-delayer
Disable online-delayer (in case of stalled network detection) or because nzbget / rtorrent / net.mounts / etc won't execute
config_tool -c ONLINEDELAYER=OFF
Power actions
Power actions are executed when the OSD is suspended/resumed.
Power actions are NOT executed when your wdtv live comes on from cold boot / power cycle.
Power actions are executed when:
- the wdtv live goes into standby via remote
- the wdtv live wakes up from suspend via remote
Use S00custom-options or S00user-script for actions that happen at boot.
DO NOT EXECUTE usb.power.on OR usb.power.off in power actions (see USB_POWER_OFF setting).
You may have number actions which are executed in order.
config_tool -c POWER_UP_ACTION='logger -t "power_up_action" "I am doing something" config_tool -c POWER_UP_ACTION20='sleep 5; ether-wake -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx; sleep 10; /etc/init.d/S90net.mounts start' config_tool -c POWER_DOWN_ACTION='logger -t "power_down_action" "the OSD has been suspended!"'
Disabled by default
config_tool -c ENABLE_SAMBA_SHARE=1 # enable Samba Windows share server config_tool -c ENABLE_SAMBA_SHARE=0 # disable Samba Windows share server
Change SMB resolve order to 'proper' order
This may or may not work for you. This MUST contain either valid settings or be blank.
- Stock/official firmware order:
config_tool -c SMB_RESOLVEORDER='bcast lmhosts wins host'
- Proper/corrected order:
config_tool -c SMB_RESOLVEORDER='lmhosts host wins bcast'
smbpasswd is stored in /conf This setting requires a reboot if executed manually (telnet/ssh instead of S00 script)
config_tool -c SAMBA_SERVER_PROTECTION_STATE=1 config_tool -c SYSTEM_USERNAME='SambaUser' config_tool -c SYSTEM_PASSWORD='SambaUser' config_tool -c SMBSHARE_USERNAME='SambaUser' config_tool -c SMBSHARE_PASSWORD='SambaUser'
Enable guest read only access, plus user protected write access
This setting makes no sense without the settings above set
Default is ON.
config_tool -c SMB_STANDBY=OFF
Disable/Enable Samba auto export mode
Default is ON.
config_tool -c SMBD_AUTO=OFF
Set Samba Workgroup
config_tool -c SAMBA_WORKGROUP=SomeWorkgroup
Enable NFSD kernel NFS server
Default is OFF.
config_tool -c NFSD=ON
Enable NFSD auto export mode
Default is OFF. Requires NFSD_AUTO_DEFAULT Overrides /conf/exports
config_tool -c NFSD_AUTO=ON
NFSD auto export mode default setting
config_tool -c NFSD_AUTO_DEFAULT=',async,no_subtree_check),async,no_subtree_check)'
Turn off 5V to USB Bus on standby
(when you press power off on remote)
This action is prevented by the following:
- root.bin active
- OSD Theme active
- Optware active
- app.bin active
- rtorrent or NZBget enabled
config_tool -c USB_POWER_OFF=1
Extra translations
Select one of the extra translations, that is not selectable from the language options.
It is only possible to set ONE locale at a time.
- Netherlands: nl
- Greece: gr
- Catalan: ca
- Hungarian: hu
config_tool -c LOCALE=nl config_tool -c LOCALE=gr config_tool -c LOCALE=ca config_tool -c LOCALE=hu
Enable YouTube Switcher
You can only use one at a time!
To enable YouTube HD (youtubeHD requires setting YOUTUBE_QUALITY too):
config_tool -c YOUTUBE_SWITCHER=youtubeHD
To enable EasyNews XViD proxy:
config_tool -c YOUTUBE_SWITCHER=easynews
To disable YouTube Switcher:
config_tool -c YOUTUBE_SWITCHER=''
EasyNews YouTube Switcher settings
config_tool -c EASYNEWS_USER=user config_tool -c EASYNEWS_PASSWORD=password
youtubeHD YouTube Switcher quality setting
config_tool -c YOUTUBE_QUALITY=270P config_tool -c YOUTUBE_QUALITY=360P config_tool -c YOUTUBE_QUALITY=480P config_tool -c YOUTUBE_QUALITY=720P config_tool -c YOUTUBE_QUALITY=1080P
Live365 Switcher
You can only use one at a time!
To enable Shoutcast
config_tool -c LIVE365_SWITCHER=shoutcast
go back to live365
config_tool -c LIVE365_SWITCHER=''
Enable Eiri
Default is OFF. What is eiri and howto here.
config_tool -c Eiri=ON
WDTVExt internal plugin debug level
- 0 : logging disabled (default)
- 1-5 : higher levels of output (1 least -> 5 most)
config_tool -c MOVIESHEET_DEBUG=5 config_tool -c RELOADER_DEBUG=5
To registers your device with fwup.wdlxtv.com. 100% optional! Default is OFF.
config_tool -c WDLXTV_CENSUS=ON
NLS packages (National Language Support)
Default is utf8.
config_tool -c IOCHARSET=utf8 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=ascii config_tool -c IOCHARSET=euc-jp config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-13 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-14 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-15 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-2 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-3 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-4 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-5 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-6 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-7 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=iso8859-9 config_tool -c IOCHARSET=koi8-r config_tool -c IOCHARSET=koi8-ru config_tool -c IOCHARSET=koi8-u
codepage packages (for non-english character filesystems)
Default is cp437
config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp1250 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp1251 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp1255 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp437 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp737 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp775 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp850 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp852 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp855 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp857 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp860 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp861 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp862 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp863 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp864 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp865 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp866 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp869 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp874 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp932 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp936 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp949 config_tool -c CODEPAGE=cp950
Set up a different Video Resolution (default is 720p 50Hz)
config_tool -c VIDEO_OUT_RESOLUTION=1080p50