WDLXTV MediaLibrary

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Revision as of 07:14, 5 October 2011 by Recliq (Talk | contribs)

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This is still a work in progress and heavily beta!
If you intend to play around with this you should bring basic linux skills and be able to work on the shell.



This project is something I was carrying around with me for quite some time now and never got to finish it.
It all started when I started playing around with sqlite and the media library that comes with the WD firmware. It always bothered me that it was only working with locally attached media and not with xmounted network shares. (yeah, there is the .addMounts hack, but that's not what I had in mind.) So I tried inserting my own entries into the database just to discover that DMAOSD periodically deletes them again. Also there are quite some problems when you try to use sqlite with a database file on a network share (locking issue) which drove me to implement WDLXTV-DB (which is in the firmware for quite some time now and can already be used by MediaMark for example).


Here's the second step now and I've been working on it for quite some time.
This app.bin provides a script ('moviescan') which will import mediafiles into the database and offers the possibility to search TMDB (http://www.themoviedb.org/) for movie info (rating, cast, etc, ...) and put this info into the database as well. Optionally you can import this information from .tgmd files if available.

What is this good for?

You can use this database for many cool things, I included two small examples:

  • a very simple media browser
    This will only show the files in your library and allows you to toggle the MediaMark for the file and edit some file properties like title, year, imdb id, tmdb id.
  • a UMSP plugin
    This will enable you to browse your files sorted by different criteria: year, rating, latest additions, genre.

These are meant as examples and I hope you come up with some even more sophisticated additions.You will find some develpoment informations further down in this article.


  • get WDLXTV_DB up and running
  • download wdlxtv-ml.app.bin and put it on a USB drive connected to WDTV
  • reboot



This app.bin provides a shell script moviescan which imports data into the sqlite database.
Run the script without any arguments to get a little help:

# moviescan 
  moviescan version 1.3.8 by recliq

  usage: moviescan [options] update <PATH> [<PATH> [<PATH>]] [<DEPTH>]
         moviescan [options] init
         moviescan [options] clean

	-d|--debug		enable debug output
	-s|--simul		do a dry-run without changing any data
	-g|--use-tgmd		use .tgmd files as info source
	-t|--use-tmdb		use TMDB as info source
	-n|--no-vidinfo		disable video info
	-c|--use-cache		enable tmdb file cache
	-a|--auto [<num>|s]	enable auto chooser, default: s (skip)
	-e|--use-dirname	use dirname instead of filename for search

I will explain the important options later on.

Init database

The first thing you have to do is to create the needed database structures and initialize the database:

moviescan init

This will drop any existing databases and data without asking you again!

Import files

Then you are ready to import some files, in this case i'll import from my xmounted TestShare

moviescan update /tmp/media/usb/TestShare




--Recliq 14:11, 5 October 2011 (UTC)