Daily podcasts

From WikiDLXTV
Revision as of 09:22, 22 November 2010 by Mad ady (Talk | contribs) (Added details on how to reverse the sort)

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The Daily podcasts plugin allows you to add video/audio RSS feeds directly in the UMSP server without the need for a specific plugin. You can add your subscriptions in an XML file and view them in the UMSP GUI


  • You will need to create an XML file that will list the feeds you want
  • The feeds that you may add must have direct links to content playable by WDTV. For example, such feeds will have a Media File section while viewed in Firefox.


  • Enable the plugin in the web interface, under UMSP
  • Create an empty XML file in a path convenient to you (for instance in /conf/daily-podcasts.xml):
touch /conf/daily-podcasts.xml
  • Point the plugin's configuration variable to your file
config_tool -c DAILY_PODCASTS_XML='/conf/daily-podcasts.xml'
  • Save the configuration
config_tool -s
  • Add content to the file, by using this format (example for two feeds, the first is just for test, the second is genuine). Add as many item sections as you need:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
       <description>Menu Entry 1</description>
           <description>Menu Entry 1</description>
           <limit>number of items to display</limit>
  • If you see your feeds in a reversed order (oldest entry is first/newest entry is last), then you can add a negative value to the limit tag. This feature will reverse the sort order and will get your newest feeds first in the list.
  • Get an idea for what content can be used from UMSP Content

