Just save it as "S##SABnzbd", the # being a numeric value between 0 and 9 in accordance with WDLXTV's execution order (thanks b-rad). For instance, the name "S89SABnzbd" works for me. Remember to place the file in /opt/etc/init.d/, locate it using telnet/ssh and use the following command to get it executable:
Just save it as "S##SABnzbd", the # being a numeric value between 0 and 9 in accordance with WDLXTV's execution order (thanks b-rad). For instance, the name "S89SABnzbd" works for me. Remember to place the file in /opt/etc/init.d/, locate it using telnet/ssh and use the following command to get it executable:
  chmod +x sabnzdplus
  chmod +x S89SABnzbd
= High-Speed Tweaks =
= High-Speed Tweaks =
   Exception encountered, of type "Error"